Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Recap - The First Post

Conservapedia, you are retarded. 3/13/09

For my first article, I will be addressing what I find to be one of the most hilariously retarded things I've ever seen on the internet:


For those of you who don't know, Conservapedia is an encyclopedia that was founded to create a site to rival Wikipedia, which the founder and contributors perceive to have a distinctly liberal and anti-christian bias

You might be asking yourself, wait, doesn't Wikipedia take great strides to maintain its neutrality and lack of bias?

Well, yes, yes it does. Wikipedia uses verifiable, sourced facts in its articles, and when those are lacking, there's a big fucking warning that basically says, "Hey, watch out. This might be bullshit."

Apparently, they thought that the truth has too much of a liberal bias, and they decided they had to make an encyclopedia where little things like facts and neutrality wouldn't get in the way of the narrow, far-right crazy world view.

This is led by a man named Andrew Schlafly, who, as an ultra-conservative fundamentalist home school teacher, was set off by a student using the CE (common era) notation for a date, rather than AD (Anno Domini).

Seriously. It was the student's choice of date-markers that convinced him Wikipedia was on a crusade against not only Conservatism, but Christianity as a whole. And it was this, that led to such gems as:

  • Barack Obama: He has no clear personal achievement that cannot be explained as the likely result of affirmative action.

Also, if you'll look at the Barack Obama article, even before the index, they have a list of reasons why he's totally a Muslim (which I guess they think is bad). Here are some shining examples of painstaking research and thought:

  • He has said that "Islam can be compatible with the modern world."
  • Obama uses the Muslim Pakistani pronunciation for "Pakistan" rather than the common American one.
  • Obama's middle name (Hussein) references Husayn, who was the grandson of Muhammad, which most Christians would not retain.

I know, right? I'm convinced too. He's a Muslim. Which means he hates America. Clearly, they all do. They hate you because you're free. It's that simple.

Anyways, in their guidelines, they list seven suggestions on ensuring an article is "reliable". I use quotes, because I don't think they have any articles that are anything but ball-bustingly stupid. And that's very stupid. Here's their seventh suggestion:

  • Neutrality may not be an antidote to bias.

Uh, false.

Neutrality is the fucking opposite of bias. And if something is the direct opposite to something else, ensuring one is the same as ensuring the other is eliminated.

So, it can be explicitly stated:

Neutrality is the antidote to bias

Anyways, I think that concludes my first article. And since Conservapedia is basically a treasure trove of stupidity, this marks the first Conservapedia Friday. Which as you can probably infer, means I will be mocking the site every Friday.

Stay tuned for my next update, and watch out for idiots

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